About me

I grew up in New Zealand, a half Indian, half Pakeha (European), kid with a terrible haircut who liked playing Atari & football. I realised (at about six years old) I wanted to work with computers & art so, I went to a high school with brutalist concrete architecture, then to a design school with the same brutalist concrete architecture. I moved to London & have worked across a range of different agencies & specialities but found that what I love about my work is helping people create something with purpose. I am based in East London with my family.

Let’s create.

Beautiful Brand Strategy

I can help guide you through the process to define your beautifully simple brand statement. I’ll look at the territories your brand inhabits in combination with your brand purpose and vision. This will inform the people you want to talk to and how you want to talk to them. This brand statement will be your guide and help your brand stay authentic and truthful.

Intelligent Visual Identity

Your brand strategy needs an execution that can deliver meaning and connect with your audience intelligently. I can help create a unique expression of your brand personality and stay true to your brand statement in an aesthetically pleasing way.
I’ll help to create brand moments that make your audience smile.

Flexible Branding

Your brand needs to live in different environments, while also able to be consistent in tone, look and feel. I can help you create a manifesto and guidelines for a consistently confident brand that still feels natural in its habitat.


Art Direction

With over 10 years of art direction experience I can help you walk the line between
Bold—Cheesy, On point—No point, Simple—Boring.
I work with moving image, illustration, photography and video. I can make sure your campaign looks, thinks and feels beautiful.

Creative Campaigns

A good idea is crafted. I like to think it takes a process:
Overview | Research | The Ws | Yes and then | Does it suck or stick | Make it more | Sell it |
My process is the secret sauce (just riffing off other brilliant people who have helped me over the years) and it’s become something that helps me overcome that white piece of paper.

Creative Development

A campaign needs to continue to be monitored and evaluated. When the world turns you need to turn with it, especially on social. I will stay with you to help you pick up on points of interest and help keep the campaign relevant.