Digging your own grave

Ah, the relentless march of progress. Just when you thought you had the hang of things, along comes technology to remind you that you're as obsolete as last year's slogan. Case in point: the invasion of Artificial Intelligence in the hallowed halls of advertising.

Picture this: a dimly lit office, populated not by creative geniuses with tortured souls, but by sleek, soulless machines humming away in perfect harmony. It's like a scene straight out of a dystopian sci-fi flick, only with more coffee stains and existential dread.

In this brave new world, where algorithms reign supreme and creativity is as rare as a decent cup of decaf, humans are relegated to the sidelines, watching helplessly as their jobs are outsourced to silicon-based overlords. It's enough to make even the most jaded ad exec reach for the nearest bottle of Scotch and contemplate the futility of it all.

And yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there's a certain dark humor to be found. Like the sight of a robotic copywriter churning out slogans with all the passion and flair of a malfunctioning toaster, or the absurdity of a boardroom meeting where the most heated debate is whether to use Arial or Helvetica in the latest ad campaign.

But perhaps the greatest irony of all is that in our quest for efficiency and optimization, we've lost sight of the very thing that makes advertising truly great: the human touch. Because let's face it, no matter how advanced the technology, there's no substitute for the messy, unpredictable brilliance of the human mind.

So as we hurtle headlong into this brave new world of AI-driven advertising, let's raise a glass to the absurdity of it all. We the creatives are digging our own graves but maybe that does mean we might have more time to think.


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