Set up

I set myself up quite quickly with some advice from friends and I didn’t find it too hard to get to grips with everything. I used to form a limited and VAT registered company quickly and also gave my company an address in central London with mail forwarding, this was a really simple process although I have set up businesses previously so this wasn’t anything new to me. I settled on Creative Isaac as I wanted it to feel like I was delivering a personal service to my clients. I bought a website through Squarespace and found it reasonably straight forward to get a website up and running. I was lucky as after being made redundant I managed to get work through the door straight away and after a period of quiet through Christmas I got a 3 month contract and then another couple of weeks work that helped take the pressure off. I have a few contacts in the industry so this helps…
—— A little reminder to myself to write something about how to start from scratch as it’s become really difficult to gain experience. ——

OK actually let’s put this down so I know I have to do this:

Here’s a list of things I need to write:

  1. Mental health strategies

  2. Getting into the business

  3. What to do with spare time

  4. What inspires me

  5. Get yourself a contracting crew

  6. Reward yourself

  7. Add to this list!

OK great I will do this… off to get coffee.


Digging your own grave

